Utah Society for Environmental Education

Utah Society for Environmental Education

Alex Porpora
Utah Project WET Coordinator
director [at] usee.org

The Utah Society for Environmental Education (USEE), a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, has been a statewide leader in promoting high-quality environmental education in Utah since 1981. USEE encourages environmental literacy by teaching Utahans how to think, not what to think, about the environment. To achieve this goal, USEE serves as an umbrella organization and information resource for environmental educators, K-12 teachers, higher education and the Utah community at large. These efforts will help ensure economic, social, and environmental sustainability for Utah.

  • Established in 1981
  • Motto: "How to think, not what to think" about the environment
  • Membership-based, umbrella organization working to coordinate EE efforts across the state
  • Links state and national EE efforts as a member of the North American Association for Environmental Education



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