State University of New York at Fredonia

State University of New York at Fredonia

Michael Jabot Ph.D.
Project WET Coordinator
jabot [at] fredonia.edutarget="_blank"
(716) 320-0189

Meet Michael:

How long have you been a WET coordinator? This is year four.

What’s your favorite thing about doing WET workshops? Helping people realize the importance of water in their lives and also how often they have taken clean water for granted.

What is your favorite WET activity? Blue Planet

Tell us about a promotion, grant award, press, or other recognition you’ve received in the last few months. Recognized as Environmental Educator of the Year by the Nature Sanctuary Society of Western New York and also as the recipient of the Excellence in Science Teaching by the Science Teachers of New York State. 

Any life changes to share? Kids, marriage, new home, other? I am proud to have three sons who connect to the natural world around them.

Anything else to share? I am REALLY enjoying connecting project WET to my work on Great Lakes Literacy.


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