Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators

Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators

jessica kester

Jessica Kester
Project WET Coordinator
ProjectWET [at] paee.nettarget="_blank"


Meet Jessica:

Obtaining degrees in Biology/Marine Science & Secondary Education/Biology allowed Jessica to join her two passions, the natural world and sharing her knowledge with others.  This degree combination has taken her to the barrier islands of Chincoteague/Assateague in Virginia, the rocky glacier valleys of Illinois and the deciduous forests of Western Pennsylvania.

How long have you been a WET coordinator? I became a WET facilitator and coordinator in April 2013 for The Outdoor Classroom.  Then in July 2013 the Pennsylvania Association of Environmental Educators asked me to act as the state coordinator for WET.

What’s your favorite thing about doing WET workshops? I love to share my passion of water educator with others and WET is an amazing way to do that.

Give a quote from a recent workshop. “This activity (Incredible Journey) is such a great way to teach the water cycle; so visual and active!”

Can you share a funny story related to WET activities? We were teaching a group of early childhood educators in an indoor/outdoor workshop.  She said she would be fine with whatever critters we found but was so worried that we would run into a raccoon while looking for macros in the creek!  She ended up becoming so involved and excited about the macros that luckily she forgot about the possibilities of raccoons.

What is your favorite WET activity? Is there Water on Zork, because it gives the students the opportunity to do some inquiry-based activities and hands-on science.

Tell us about a promotion, grant award, press or other recognition you’ve received in the last few months. PAEE is currently finishing a grant from the Pennsylvania Dept. of Environmental Protection which will serve up to 90 formal, non-formal and pre-service educators across PA by supplying free 8 hour workshops with the curriculum guides.

Any life changes to share? Kids, marriage, new home, other? I will be a happy first-time mom in January 2015!

Something we don’t know about you. I write poetry!

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