Ohio EPA

Ohio EPA

Dennis Clement
Project WET Coordinator
dennis.clement [at] epa.ohio.govtarget="_blank"

The Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Environmental Education (OEE) was established over twenty years ago with the main responsibility of the office to educate the citizens of Ohio about the air, land and water of the state. The office also administers the Ohio Environmental Education Fund (OEEF), providing grant funding to K-University, General Public and the Regulated Community audiences.  OEE started facilitation of Project WET – Ohio in January 2015. OEE previously handled state-wide facilitation of Healthy Water, Healthy People since 2007. OEE encourages Ohio schools and organizations to take advantage of the grant funding incorporating Project WET materials into a larger water education program. Doing this eliminates the costs of books and needed workshop supplies.   

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