The Independent Schools Foundation Academy Ltd.

The Independent Schools Foundation Academy Ltd.

The Independent Schools Foundation was established in February 2000 as a registered charitable organization to provide diversity in choice of education for local students. In 2003, the Foundation established a non-profit, Private Independent School, The Independent Schools Foundation Academy (The ISF Academy), for Foundation Year to Grade 12 in order to cater to the increasing demand for the highest caliber Putongua and English education in an inquiry-based learning environment.

Starting with just 56 students in Grade 1 to 4 in August 2003, The ISF Academy soon outgrew its temporary campus in Wanchai. This necessitated in the setting up of a second temporary campus in Causeway Bay before moving to our permanent home in Pokfulam in July 2007.

In February 2008, the school commenced its Foundation Year program, a preparatory year for students prior to Grade 1. The academic year 2008/09 marked the first full year of our Foundation Year program and our first class of Grade 12 students graduated in 2011/12.


The Independent Schools Foundation Academy is a community of learners, independent in thought and action, deeply rooted in Chinese culture, global in understanding and experience, and excellent in all endeavors.


The ISF Academy:

  • Educates learners in a Chinese-English bilingual environment;
  • Anchors its values on the Eight Virtues + One;
  • Nurtures curiosity, critical thinking, and a lifelong love of learning; and
  • Builds life skills through experiential learning

The Independent Schools Foundation is committed to Independent, Chinese, Global education in the 21st century.

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