Georgia Department of Natural Resources

Georgia Department of Natural Resources

monica kilpatrick georgia coordinator


Monica Kilpatrick
monica.kilpatrick [at]"_blank"
(404) 651-8521
(404) 651-8556

Georgia’s Project WET program is part of a dynamic watershed outreach unit that also includes:

  • Adopt-A-Stream (volunteer water quality monitoring program)
  • Rivers Alive (waterway cleanup events)
  • Georgia River of Words (the K-12 environmental art and poetry project)

Georgia facilitators are active throughout the state and have helped train thousands of Georgia educators in the use of Project WET. Those educators in turn have used it with tens of thousands of students since 1997. 

Georgia Project WET is supported by the Georgia Department of Natural Resources and is housed in the Environmental Protection Division’s Watershed Protection Branch in downtown Atlanta. 

Visit Georgia Project WET on Facebook or on the Georgia Project WET website.


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