CT Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection: Kellogg Environmental Center

CT Dept. of Energy & Environmental Protection: Kellogg Environmental Center


Sue Quincy
Project WET Coordinator
susan.quincy [at] ct.govtarget="_blank"
(203) 734-2513


Meet Sue:

How long have you been a WET coordinator? I inherited the program 6 years ago.

What’s your favorite thing about doing WET workshops? I like the connections people get from working with water.

Give a quote from a recent workshop.   “You mean this happens every time it rains?”

Can you share a funny story related to WET activities?  Super Bowl Surge always gets the best faces.  You just have to see them to get it.

What is your favorite WET activity? I Like the Groundwater picture and Snow and Tell lately.

Tell us about a promotion, grant award, press, or other recognition you’ve received in the last few months. Held the first facilitator training in 8 years and have 15 new facilitators trained in October.

Other interesting information? I've been using WET activities to do the Boy Scout Soil and Water Merit Badge.  These work very well to help illustrate erosion and conservation aspects.

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