Arkansas Environmental Education Association

Arkansas Environmental Education Association

Sophia Stephenson

Sophia Stephenson
Executive Director
info [at]


About Sophia

Sophia Stephenson holds a degree in environmental, soil, and water science from the University of Arkansas and has been involved with environmental education for almost two decades. She is currently the Executive Director of the Arkansas Environmental Education Association, a facilitator for Project Learning Tree and the Arkansas State Coordinator for Project WET.

About Arkansas Environmental Education Association

Arkansas Environmental Education Association (AEEA) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that works with educators, students, businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, and the general public to increase awareness and knowledge about the natural world around us. AEEA’s mission is to support environmental education and the work of environmental educators in Arkansas. This mission is accomplished by providing high-quality professional development; promoting hands-on, interdisciplinary education programs; and building a network of educators and supporters around the state. We offer an annual conference, educator workshops, networking events, mini-grants and other resources. AEEA is the official state Affiliate for the North American Association of Environmental Education.


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