University of Arizona, Arizona Cooperative Extension

University of Arizona, Arizona Cooperative Extension

Betsy Wilkening
ewilkening1 [at]
(520) 621-8673

Holly Thomas-Hilburn
hhilburn [at]
(520) 621-7477

Kerry Schwartz
kls4 [at]
(520) 621-1092

Chuck Dugan
cld1 [at]
(520) 836-5221 ext 210


Arizona Project WET (APW) develops water stewardship and STEM literacy by providing teacher professional development focused on 21st century skills, direct student outreach that delivers or extends classroom learning, and community engagement.  APW meets its mission delivering the following programs:

School Water Audit Program

The School Water Audit Program (SWAP) incentivizes school and community water conservation through student-driven inquiry and students acting to install technology that saves water.

Arizona Water Festival

Arizona Water Festivals instill a deeper understanding of water in the earth system and Arizona’s water resources through a community water festival event, teacher professional development workshop, and extensive volunteer and community involvement.

Aqua STEM Program

The Aqua STEM Program supports teachers in implementing APW-developed STEM Units infused with Systems Thinking through professional development, support for curriculum development, and in-classroom presentations.

Teacher Academies

Arizona Project WET Teacher Academies offer professional development that evolves teachers’ instructional practice and water-related content mastery through STEM integration, student-directed learning, real-world and relevant application, and collaborative work.

Passion drives educators to do what they do. This holds true for the Arizona Project WET team. With creativity, we stretch limited resources to accomplish so much! Filling the voids in the educational experience for Arizona’s students, we do things like work with teachers over multiple days to evolve their content knowledge and instructional practices, fully engage thousands of students in learning, facilitate student investigations of river systems, and empower students to lead their own water use audit and implement water savings.

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