Welm Foundation

Welm Foundation

BP Singh
werespectwater [at] gmail.com

WELM Foundation is a platform for a dedicated and like-minded group of experienced people, who are concerned & very well understand the future environmental challenges to be faced in daily life by the world community. We all as a team together are ready to put our foot down and make all the efforts work to fight back against these alarming challenges for the betterment of our society & world community.

By developing and make a habit to Conserve Water and Start Drinking Clean Water enables individuals and families to dramatically improve their quality of healthy life by reducing disease, improving developmental outcomes and believes that we can end the water crisis by ensuring that every person on the planet has access to life’s most basic need - clean drinking water.


· Spreading awareness regarding drinking clean Water and keeping Hydrate.

· Spreading awareness regarding Hygiene.

· Spreading awareness regarding Water Conservation.

· Spreading awareness regarding Water Harvesting.

· Providing technical assistance for water purification by water industry experts

· Installing a free water purification system, wherever required.

· Providing hands-on- learning workshops on how to fix leaking taps, fixing of overflowing flush tanks, etc...

· Providing free vocational training, books, tool kits, etc.


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