The cornerstone of Project WET is its methodology of teaching about water resources through hands-on, investigative, easy-to-use activities. 

 Project WET activities are:

  • Accurate and science-based. Content experts review the information, and educators and students field test the materials.
  • Interactive. Engaging students through questioning and other inquiry-based strategies, educators involve students in hands-on lessons and encourage them to take responsibility for their own learning by:
    • seeking answers to real-world problems
    • playing games to explore scientific concepts
    • reflecting, debating and sharing by creating songs, stories and dramas
  • Multisensory. Full-body activities engage the senses, which research shows enhances learning.
  • Adaptable. Project WET activities can be taught and performed indoors and outdoors, in a variety of settings with a range of group sizes.
  • Contemporary, incorporating technology and twenty-first-century skills. In most activities, students work in small, collaborative groups. Many activities engage students in higher-level thinking skills, requiring them to: analyze, interpret, apply information (problem-solving, decision-making and planning), evaluate and present.
  • Cross-cultural. Materials prepare students for participation in a global economy, in which an understanding of water resources will be critical.
  • Relevant. Educators are encouraged to localize activities to give them relevance.
  • Solution-oriented. Project WET believes in linking awareness and education to action and solutions through its ActionEducation™ initiative.
  • Measurable. Project WET activities provide simple assessment tools to measure student learning.



Cobranding Sample

What is cobranding?
Project WET can produce a customized version of a selected publication with your corporation’s or
organization’s logo. This quick, easy, and affordable program allows corporations and organizations to personalize water education materials. These can be distributed at events, to employees or directly to customers. Cobranded publications can be printed just for you or digitally distributed according to your needs.

Why cobrand with Project WET?
Nestlé Waters, Kellogg’s, the state of Arizona, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and Clean Memphis are a few of the leading organizations cobranding with Project WET. Cobranding demonstrates your commitment to children and communities, and with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) education a national priority, it's a simple and inexpensive way to build relationships with present and future customers while being a part of an important educational movement.

By placing your logo on one of our respected, scientifically accurate, field-tested publications, you tell potential customers that you believe in education, college and career readiness and responsible stewardship of our most important resource, water.

How does cobranding work?
1. Select a Project WET activity booklet.
2. Submit your logo and number of desired copies.
3. Select either a printing option (provide shipping address) or PDF download option (digital copies are available via code to your customers on our website).

For more information, contact:
Morgan Close, Vice President of Projects and Programs
morgan.close [at] (subject: Cobranding%20Inquiry)
406-585-4118 | 866-337-5486

"It was a very easy process. [Cobranding] allowed us to invest
in pre-developed and well-tested materials from an organization
that had a good track record of being leaders in their field.
It was very cost-effective and saved us the time and money
of trying to 'reinvent the wheel'."

–Karen Pate
Director of Crystal Springs Preserve, Florida

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